Crown molding is a classic finish that has adorned the walls of homes for centuries on end. Incorporating crown molding into your home is a relatively inexpensive finish; however, installation is not an entirely simple process. With this in view, you will want to consider the different aspects of crown molding and what you should know before you choose to add this feature to your home. There are a number of factors to consider before taking on any sort of home renovation. How will the renovation impact the aesthetic of your home? Is this renovation one that you can pursue independently? Or will you need professional help with this endeavor. Read on to learn more about some of the key considerations you should take on when pursuing renovations that involve crown molding.

Consider How you are Going To Employ Crown Molding

Because we have become accustomed to seeing crown molding as that decorative touch which separates walls from ceilings, we have come to reduce its function to just that. But, crown molding can be used for so much more. Indeed, crown molding has been used for centuries as a way of adding texture and dimension to otherwise flat walls. So, when considering how you might integrate crown molding into your home you need to identify the function that you want it to have.

One particularly creative function that you might want your crown molding to have is that of a decorative picture frame. By choosing ornate crown moldings, and setting them up in a hollow rectangular shape on your wall, you give that wall a real sense of depth and texture. If this is what you choose to do with your crown molding, you need to make very sure that you have chosen a substantial enough wall. Indeed, doing so on a wall of a smaller scale will only function to make your space appear even smaller than it already is. Of course, you might also use crown molding in its more conventional sense. By this, what is meant is that crown molding might be used to create a nice border at the top of a room: separating the wall from the ceiling.

Consider What Kind of Aesthetic Crown Moldings Create

Crown molding creates a very distinctive aesthetic. Indeed, crown moldings have been used for hundreds of years and carry with them a regal, elegant and classic look. If you live in a home that is thoroughly modern, through and through, crown moldings might not be the ideal finish for your home. Doing so would mean mixing aesthetics that do not marry very well with one another.

Alternatively, if you live in a historic home, crown moldings might be the ideal finish for you. Historic homes, complete with rich wood floors and banisters, invite the sense of historicism and elegance bound up with crown moldings. Not only do these finishes create a beautiful border for your guests to gaze upon, but they nearly import them to a different era. If your home embraces anything vintage, consider bringing in crown moldings to round out the atmosphere you have already begun to create.

Consider Professional Installation

Crown moldings are an excellent finish to import into your home for several reasons. First and foremost, they need not cost a fortune. Crown moldings—made of wood—need not cost an inordinate amount of money. In addition, you do not require a significant amount of space when it comes to crown moldings. Because these finishes typically serve to create borders in a room, it is not as though they need to cover a substantial surface area.

One of the more complex aspects of crown moldings, however, is their installation. Many people think that they are sufficiently equipped to install crown moldings on their own. And this may in fact be true. But one of the more complicated aspects of installing crown moldings is that of cutting them on the correct angle. Contrary to popular opinion, crown moldings are not intended to sit flush against the wall. In order to calculate the angles at which a crown molding ought to be cut, you will need to do your research and invest in the proper tools. It is also worth consulting a professional to install crown moldings on your behalf. For a professional who has completed this kind of project tens of times, it will not take him or her very long to complete.

If you are hoping to give your home a facelift, crown moldings are an excellent material to make use of. However, you will want to consider the different facets of crown molding and research these products before you buy. In so doing, you can better determine whether or not crown moldings are a good fit for your home. As with all ventures, the more information you have the better.