As we speak, homeowners everywhere are hoping to make their homes even just a bit more valuable. This is because for most of us, our homes are the most significant assets in our possession. While we might also own beautiful cars or pricey pieces of jewelry, real estate is one of the few assets that actually become increasingly valuable over time. Nonetheless, this increased value will depend heavily on what sort of renovations and remodels we institute. As a homeowner you may have specific questions such as: “Is adding crown molding and other small changes worth it?” In order to answer these more specific and focused questions, it is quite important that you look at the consensus about home renovations more generally. Namely, what kinds of renovations prove worthwhile versus those that are not.

Small Changes Go a Long Way

The major trend that has cropped up, in the realm of value-enhancing home renovations, are those of a simple and cost-efficient nature. You may very well be wondering why this is. Essentially, simple and cost-efficient home renovations have proved most popular as they tend to see an exceptional return on their investment. It is not to say that more extensive home renovations do not increase the value of your home to the same extent. However, small aesthetic changes prove to have a profound impact on a home’s overall sense of cohesion, intimacy and comfort. If you are curious as to what small changes might have a profound impact on your home’s overall value, read on.

A Fresh Coat of Paint

This tip is one that virtually all interior decorators agree upon. A freshly painted room sends a definitive message to prospective buyers—this message is that room is fresh, new and well-tended for. This is a very small change that can bring big results. On virtually any popular real estate show, we observe the detrimental effects of outdated wall colors. Time and again, prospective buyers walk into rooms with sea foam walls only to express their horror, and uncertainty about the home at large. While this might seem shortsighted, the last thing you want is for a potentially small fix to come in the way of selling your house. In general, a gallon of paint sells for approximately $35. So, for the amount that many people spend on coffee in a week, you can freshen up an entire room. If you are hoping to paint for purposes of resale, you will want to select a neutral color. This might mean purchasing paint in a cream, eggshell, taupe or butter color. At the end, purchasing a neutral paint color need not conflict with your personal taste.

Crown Molding

Implementing renovations in your home’s larger living spaces need not be either extensive or expensive. One excellent tool for rendering your family room or living room more valuable is crown molding. Crown molding is a beautiful finish that has been used for centuries to add texture and balance in a room. Crown molding is also hugely advantageous in that it is relatively inexpensive. By going to your local hardware store and purchasing crown molding, you can completely change the aesthetic of a space. This might mean placing crown molding around your ceiling—in the form of a border—or as a border positioned halfway up your wall. The effect of crown molding is significant: taking a room from one that appears provisional to one that appears complete.

Make Small Changes Out of Doors

Alongside some of the more minor yet impactful remodels you might institute inside your home, there are also a number that you might implement out of doors. Again, these do not need to be terribly costly. One incredibly impactful change that you might institute out of doors is that of tree-planting. By planting one or several shade trees outdoors, you invest in the future value of your home. Purchasing trees that will mature over time will create a sense of pleasure in your home, as you will be able to observe their growth over time. In addition, purchasing shade trees will be incredibly less costly than purchasing trees or other shrubbery that are already mature. Not only will tree-planting contribute to the curb appeal and general value of the home, but is also beneficial to the environment.

It is a complete falsehood to state that home remodels and renovations need be incredibly costly. At the end of the day, you will want to implement remodels that are inexpensive enough to see their return on the investment. Thus in response to the question of if crown molding and other improvements for your home are worth it, the answer is yes. Crown molding is but one relatively inexpensive way of adding aesthetic intrigue, texture and value to your home. Other minor changes include fresh coats of paint, and landscaping.