Making changes to your home’s main living space can be a long, arduous and often conflicting process. In fact, it is a process that many homeowners either draw out or neglect because they have not been able to consider fully how they might carry out these changes. When it comes to making aesthetic changes to your home, the key is to simply ask the correct questions. Below are some of the most frequently posed questions about one of the most classic finishes in America and abroad: Crown molding. By taking the time to consider these questions, you become better equipped to make the changes you had only ever dreamed of. Read on, and question away:

Question 1: Will Crown Molding Date My Home?

Crown moldings have proven to be an alluring finish in both American and European homes for centuries. Of course, the spectrum of styles in which crown moldings are available has greatly expanded over this period. But, because crown moldings have been around for such an extended period, many homeowners worry that introducing this finish will only date their home.

The answer to the query, “will crown molding date my home?” is no. Crown moldings have developed from their earliest form and are now available in an incredibly wide range of styles and dimensions. And if you are a homeowner who is particularly concerned with maintaining a modern aesthetic, you can always purchase markedly minimalist moldings with slim to no detailing.

Question 2: Is Self-Installation a Good Idea?

Unlike some of the more “major” home remodeling projects, many homeowners feel comfortable installing their own crown moldings. This is because the crown moldings themselves are of a dimension that appears to be manageable. The answers to this question, about whether or not it is a good idea to install crown moldings, are mixed. In fact, these mixed responses will fundamentally depend on the homeowner. If you are someone who feels comfortable cutting crown moldings, sanding walls and using nail guns, then feel free to install your own crown moldings. Just be sure to afford yourself enough time to do a quality job. Many a handyman has made the mistake of thinking that crown molding installation will be a quick and easy job, and the result has been pure sloppiness. If you are not terribly handy, have a general contractor come in and install your crown moldings for you. The result is bound to be one that both you and your guests will appreciate.

Question 3: Will Crown Moldings Make My Space Seem Smaller?

Homeowners often make the mistake of applying fashion rules to the interior their homes. But, such rules do not translate in this way. In this vein, many homeowners apply the fashion principle that horizontal stripes do nothing positive for the body to their living spaces. But, the rule simply does not translate. By introducing horizontally-laid crown molding, you create the illusion that your space is actually bigger than it is.

Question 4: How Creative Can I Be With My Crown Moldings?

Many homeowners are scared that crown moldings will take away from their home’s sense of creative flair. But, just because crown moldings are often used as a way of creating borders or boundaries, it does not mean that you need to be a person bound by these boundaries. Indeed, it is very easy to use crown moldings to express your creativity by creating an interesting pattern on your ceiling. Alternatively, you may want to buy several different cuts of crown molding and layer them one on top of the other around your ceiling. In so doing, you not only create the sense of added height—in your space—but make a strong and deliberate statement about your individuality.

Question 5: To Paint or Not To Paint?

Last but not least, many homeowners wonder about the potential benefits and drawbacks of painting their crown moldings. The debate about whether or not to paint one’s crown moldings comes down to the overall aesthetic that a homeowner is aiming for. If you consider yourself a traditionalist, for instance, you will likely want to purchase high-quality wood moldings and leave them unpainted. This finish looks beautiful in a space with a quaint cottage-like feel. The rich tone of the wood adds a sense of warmth to the space. If your room is more contemporary, you may want to paint your moldings in a complementary color.

We have here outlined the five most frequently asked questions with regards to crown moldings. It is our hope that in detailing the answers to these questions, you have gained a better understanding of how you might put this finish to beautiful use in your own home. At the end of the day, most homeowners share the same concerns about their spaces.